Excesses In The Charnel-House

I took a walk in the cemetery, oh I was so alone,

Then a beautiful woman invited me to stay with her for a while.

She was pale as chalk, her voice was hollow

Still I enjoyed every minute of her company.

I'll never forget that night in the charnel-house,

I am obsessed by the thought of it.

That night in the charnel-house between bones and coffins

I did not try the least to hide my desire.

"Come with me, I'll show you something nice", she told me.

And she took my hands, I willingly followed her.

I was just twelve, I didn't know her age,

Yet what she wanted, her face told me.

I'll never forget that night in the charnel-house,

I am obsessed by the thought of it.

That night in the charnel-house between bones and coffins

I did not try the least to hide my desire.

Finally, I gave her everything he had been needing for so long.

And I kissed every part the grave had emaciated.

Her love was heavenly, my feeling was infernal.

And as she suddenly had left, it was getting cold in the charnel-house.

I went home on my own, this woman still on my mind,

Anyway, tonight when the moon is full, I have to go back there again.

I'll never forget that night in the charnel-house,

I am obsessed by the thought of it.

That night in the charnel-house between bones and coffins

I did not try the least to hide my desire.